Baby Box University!

Anyone else get severe anxiety when your baby is napping?? I have been known to go into the nursery and stare at my kids to make sure they are breathing still. Of course this causes them to wake up and results in me army crawling towards the door so I don’t interrupt nap time! SIDS anxiety is real and definitely contributes to my lack of sleep.

Enter the Baby Box, a sustainably designed safe sleeping space for your baby. In Finland, these boxes have famously been used (in conjunction with education) to reduce the infant death rate to less than half of that in the U.S. The boxes also include premium baby products to support new parents as well.  With all the baby products on the market now, it can be overwhelming in which to choose and expensive for items that your newborn will outgrow. So here is the best part, the Baby Box is FREE!!!

Here is how the program works:

Parents simply sign-up at Baby Box University, watch a short series of videos selected by local experts, and then receive a free Baby Box.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Go to and sign-up for a free account
2. Click on “Choose a Course” and select the location closest to you
3. Watch the videos that are part of your course. This will take 15-20 minutes.
4. Take the quiz
5. Receive your free Baby Box, along with helpful samples like diapers, breast milk storage bags and more!

My Baby Box came when the boys were still in the NICU, but that didn’t stop me from putting it to use when my friends brought their babies over! How cute is little Max? He slept so well in the Baby Box, while we had a little girl’s catch up and dinner. I love that the box can be taken anywhere, put in any room and you know baby is sleeping safely when he or she is in the box.


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